Update # 8: Sophie SF

During my last week at my internship at The Hunger Project, I presented my main takeaways in front of a group of THP staff and investors. One idea that I talked about was partnership. Coming into this internship, I understood the meaning of the word partnership, but I was used to top-down approaches and organizations that provide handouts and immediate relief. Interning at THP and interviewing a variety of THP staff and investors has really shown me the importance of viewing and treating those in hunger as co-equal partners and solutions, not as beneficiaries. I have been reminded of how unique THP is in that it truly believes that when empowered, those living in conditions of chronic hunger and poverty have the ability to create local solutions and to end their own hunger on a sustainable basis.

Another takeaway I shared was that THP is a strategic and constantly evolving organization. Prior to this experience, I never understood the THP principle of leverage. But after participating in meetings with investors, I now understand how THP constantly reassesses its approach and always asks “what’s missing?”. I now understand that THP is not stagnant like many other well-intentioned charity and development programs. Instead, I now understand how THP is continually looking for new ways to engage with investors and puts resources to their best possible use. A final takeaway I shared is the idea of global interconnectedness. Interning at THP has reinforced the idea that we are all the same and that it is our shared responsibility to commit to working towards a hunger-free world. It has given me a more global perspective. Although I was aware of people living in conditions of chronic hunger and poverty, I now feel inspired by how THP transforms communities from a state of hopelessness to a state of possibility and hope.

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