Critical Reflection #4: Connect to Outside Sources – Tibeau Ferguson

Throughout this entire process of creating a book, I have learned and looked at multiple sources. All of them are books. One is called “This Brutal World” by Peter Chadwick. The other is called “A Modern Vision” by Bernice Abbot, which I mentioned in the other blog post as well as “Bunker Archeology”, by Paul Virilio. All of these books highly influenced me in a great way. “This Brutal World” helped me actually pick which photos I should be using to properly depict Brutalism, “A Modern Vision” helped me with picking the fonts and formatting of the book, and “Bunker Archeology” helped me with the aesthetic of the entire book. Without these books, my book would be a compilation of photos I took without any curating of it at all. Although they severely helped me in a great way, I feel that they did not change my original idea of the layout of the book. The final layout I have goes by area, like Brooklyn, New Haven, Long Island, etc… They just helped me finalize the proper way to create an art book.

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