Intro to Jacob’s Rigorous Basketball Training Project

Project Name:
Rigorous Basketball Training

Essential Question:
What steps can I take to perfect my craft, so that I can become a better player and pursue my passion of playing basketball at the professional level? Or rather how can I perfect my craft?

For my Senior Project, I will…
I seek to challenge my basketball skills and physical prowess in the field of professional sports training. I will be designing a workout schedule/regimen which I will follow everyday in order to enhance my ability.

I will be training and widening my skill set in order to become the best player that I can as well as a more well rounded player. I will also be doing lots of physical conditioning with the weights I have at home as well as my own body weight. I will also be breaking down the footage I take of myself and discussing how or why these things I’m practicing will help me. Playing basketball is one of my passions and has been such a central force in my life. It is also one of my talents and I’ve been playing basketball for as long as I can remember. Basketball has helped me persevere through so many tough situations and has molded me into someone with a great work ethic. I want to continue to expand my skills and give back to the game that has helped me so much. This project will require a lot of perseverance, trial and error, and consistency from me. The physical training aspect requires a lot of mental perseverance and within the project I need to be consistent with everything I practice. Through this project I will learn what it really takes to become a professional basketball player as well as learn how to better myself as opposed to having to pay someone to do it for me.


Goals and Measure of Success:

Through this project I hope to become a better basketball player but also learn how to assess my weaknesses and work to strengthen them. This will be essential in my future since I plan to be a professional basketball player. The experience that I will have will be doing this exact thing. I will be able to tell that my experience was successful if I see myself improving in those areas that I’m struggling in. This will most likely be evident in the videos I take. Success with the weight training and calisthenics will be indicated visually; I should be able to see that progress.

Resource List:
Coach Mike Senior- Communicating with my personal trainer as a medium
Nike camp contacts- Terrence Jones, Michael Kerr, Stephane Eatheart
Basketball book by Kobe Bryant
The Mamba Mentality: How I Play

Daily Plan & Schedule:
My project will be independent and will take place mostly in my backyard and surrounding areas. The proximity of my project will allow me to maximize my workout time without compromising rest. Ideally my workout schedule will be for about 7 hours a day for 3 days a week. I will use the other 4 days to rest as well as edit footage I have taken of myself. The three days will add up to 21 hours of physical training. My other time will be spent planning drills for myself, watching footage of professional basketball players, and of course updating my journal.

Documentation Plan:
To document my project I will mainly be using video and photos. I will be uploading these to my blog as well as putting some videos on my youtube channel.
I may also handwritten journal to show some of my thought process and reflections of each day. I intend to upload twice a week so most likely at the beginning of the week and at the end. This medium Is the best fit for my project because it will be easier to show physical activity and what I’m doing as opposed to writing it. Writing will only convey what I’m thinking and it’s better to use that medium for reflecting on and analyzing everything I’m doing. Here is a link to my youtube

Material Needs:
Nothing, I have access to a hoop, weights, and the space needed to conduct this project

Backup Plan:
If something does fall through I can instead learn more about the training industry of basketball. I already have the contacts for that which include my Nike staff connections and my personal trainer. I will still be learning how to maximize skill and become better, I just wouldn’t be doing the physical part.

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