Mawena- CR 5

Over the course of my senior project so far, I’ve learned quite a bit about myself. I’m more productive when I set aside a time to work everyday, and stick to it. I don’t really have a routine, and my sleep schedule is insane, but making sure I have a period of time dedicated to senior projects is important and helpful. When it comes to the actual subject matter of my senior project, I find it very interesting. However, after learning Twi everyday lost its novelty, it started to get harder to motivate myself to do my senior project everyday, and I noticed that the other students in my cohort shared a similar experience. We came to the conclusion that diversifying our daily tasks and doing our senior projects in different ways everyday would help make them more exciting, because clearly, doing the same thing for four hours everyday will get boring after a while. Lastly, I tend to focus more on the outcome of my senior project, and less on the process of actually doing my senior project, partly because I think the details of learning a language are not particularly interesting, and partly because I think the conclusions I’m drawing are the most important part. Going back to my essential question, I still don’t have conclusive answers to my questions about language and culture, and I think that’s mostly because of the subjective nature of that connection. As I continue to interview people, there are some things that are constant, however, people tend to disagree on a lot of things, so there isn’t a definite conclusion that can come from it. However, one thing that I can definitely confirm is the fact that there is a connection between language and culture, and that is a fact that has been proven over and over again.

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