A big part of my project has been engaging with outside sources. The most interesting thing I have been researching have been protons, what protons look like in other dimensions, and what protons look like on a quantum scale. One of the most interesting thing I have been researching lately is quantum gravity. This isn’t directly related to my book, in that the sophon lock on quantum science, prevents humans from researching it and scientifically progressing to certain places. This prompted me to research more about the quantum realm and I stumbled upon some really cool stuff. Quantum gravity is really interesting but hard to understand, it involves time travel among protons on the quantum scale, and is used to theorize what would happen in a black hole. Some other important sources I have looked at have been about the cultural revolution have been very interesting. A large portion of the first book is set during the cultural revolution, so I was able to learn a lot about what happened during it through the book, such as the suppression of knowledge or sending red guards to farms. However, after reading outside sources about the cultural revolution it was interesting to learn about the gang of four and end of the cultural revolution.