Molly- CR #3

Reflecting on my project at the halfway point has made me realize that while I have learned a lot about how communities are continuing to engage online, I still have more questions that need to be answered. I began this project with the essential question, “How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic?”, and during my project I have accumulated various ways to connect with each other online. I’ve witnessed hundreds of viewers participating in livestream workouts, messy Zoom calls to celebrate events with family, and thoughtful conversations about how best to prevent individuals from being isolated. From my various experiences, I’ve concluded that there isn’t a clear answer that works for every person in terms of keeping them engaged in their different communities. Some groups find success in creating a routine with regular meeting times, while others have less participation or excitement in required meetings. Some communities have emphasized socializing and being together over accomplishing a specific task, while others direct their energy on getting a lot done. Overall, I am still discovering different things that work for different people and groups.

In the remaining weeks of senior project, I hope to speak with students and the members of the actual communities, as opposed to the leaders which I have been focusing on until now. Speaking to members of the communities will give me additional perspectives on successfully connecting with each other virtually in this time. Do participants have an increased desire to be part of different groups/communities or stick with the ones they normally interact with? Has the function of their different communities changed? What have they found most successful or desirable about the different ways communities have continued running?

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