To get more information on how to write a realistic story through journal entries, I wanted to do more research on other books that do something similar to what I’m trying to achieve. I had read through my own old journals, and while that helped me figure out what a realistic journal looked like, it didn’t read as a coherent story because there was no storyline.
One book that I’ve had for a while is a published journal called Go Ask Alice. I read this book back in 8th grade, but decided to read it again because it tells a story in a similar way that I hope to. While it is advertised as a real journal written by a real person, it does tell a coherent story unlike my own journals. Reading this book again really helped me with my own journal because it explored a wide variety of events with an overarching story while simultaneously including what the narrator really cared about and how she felt, something that I’ve been struggling to portray in my own story.