Anna Mueller – Blog Post 5: Style of Fictional Journal Writing

As I’ve been writing journal entries as my character, I haven’t given too much thought to the actual language I use, especially given the fact that in some way my character is inspired by me and can, therefore, share some of the same aspects of voice. However, for the added challenge, I think I’m going to go back over the journal entries and make the voice a bit more distinctive because I think sometimes it gets lost in the writing. I want it to be recognizable not as my writing, but as my character’s. I think the best way to do this is to do some more experimentation and try coming up with certain words or phrases that the character might use often. I’ve already given the character a very laid-back, positive-thinking tone of voice, but there is definitely something to be done with the language used as well. I will try to focus more on this with the next entries I write.

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