CR2- Analyzing a Moment: Rigorous Basketball Training

Jacob McKinnon

CR2: Describe a Moment and Analyze


EQ: What steps can I take to perfect my craft, so that I can become a better player and pursue my passion of playing basketball at the professional level? Or rather how can I perfect my craft?


A moment I will choose to analyze is a training experience I had last week. One day last week I worked on my left hand shooting and left hand finishes. This basically means I only shot with my left hand that day after doing a move or any type of footwork. It was a little difficult at first considering that this was only my second time doing something like this. However, after I got comfortable and warmed up I was able to focus which made it easier. Using my left hand only, I worked on different types of finishes from all around the basket. Having this experience related to my essential question because the experience itself encapsulated my goal. I want to become a better player all around, or in all aspects of the game. This would mean that I want to work on every aspect of my skill set and develop skills that help me all around: being able to shoot with my non-dominant hand is one of these all around skills.

I am demonstrating grit by working on everything that is outside of my comfort zone. In terms of the basketball aspect, I am doing drills that focus on things I struggle with. For example, my left hand finishes, successfully scoring off of combination moves, and shooting consistently. I also am working outside of my comfort zone when I do my physical workouts. I’m doing workouts that I dislike but they of course are making me stronger. For example, step ups with weights, elevated pushups, weighted chest exercises. Workouts like these I dislike because of how tedious they are and how tired they make me but that is a great thing. I’ve been persevering in both of these areas which is basically the focus of my project. 

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