Critical Reflection # 2 – JONATHAN ZIEBARTH

My Experience with Distance Learning

I think one of the most challenging moments for me so far this week has been starting the executive summary. I know that I’m doing my lean business plan out of order, technically you are suppose to write the executive summary last since it basically sums up everything in the plan. However, I know that personally I have a hard time translating my thoughts to paper, I mean I can do it, but it wont always make sense, and it’s finding that balance between my thoughts and coherence  which can sometimes difficult. Plus having to be on a laptop for a majority of the day is driving me the brink craziness. So Im sure you can imagine my difficulty trying to push through and accomplish my goals, its almost painful.

However, we don’t learn anything in life without a little bit of struggle. This experience has taught me not only perseverance, but has allowed me to develop strategies to help me through the day. For example music, for me to get anything done I need to be listening to music that not only matches my mood, but allows me to focus on the task at hand, and that ranges from Kenny Loggins’ This is it  to Kanye West’s I Wonder. 

While I’m passionate about my project this whole experience would have made start to loose interest, if not for my ability to put my laptop away and read instead.

My experience with distance learning isn’t the issue, its the amount of screen time, and as teenager, I never thought I would ever say that.


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