CR 1

Throughout my project, I have been trying to answer my essential question. My essential question is: How can we as community members help, give back, and respond during a time of emergency? Throughout this project, I have been working closely with essential workers and seeing how much food these hospitals need to keep functioning. I came into this project vaguely knowing how much organization is needed to make a restaurant function in the first place. However, a restaurant that is feeding hospitals produces a godly amount of food. This is all going to the hospitals as doctors and nurses need to have full stomachs so they can approach this pandemic with more focus. This topic is important to me because I would like for this pandemic to end as quickly and harmlessly as possible. By helping feed these healthcare workers, I am doing what little I can to help. Whenever an order is ready, usually around 300 dishes, it needs to very quickly be bagged and brought out of the door. This incorporates a fair bit of discipline as you can not be running behind schedule or these people will miss their chance to eat. I would like to further explore how this is all managed and how they are making money off of this. The thing to remember with this is that the restaurant I am working for is still a business and still needs to make money to survive. If they are cooking many meals a day for a reduced price, they are losing money. This is something I am very interested in, it seems like there are many operations and people right now who are trying to make a quick buck. I would like to see how this restaurant is keeping its head afloat. 

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