Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week 2 Apr. 13- Apr. 19

I just had my first interview with an author. Her name was Amy Evans and I was able to collect a lot of good information from her. Her process was not as concrete as the others. However, she did tell me some very interesting things about beginning a story. She told me that making the beginning of a story is hard because you aren’t exactly sure what the style of writing is yet. She told me that the first chapters are always going to feel like its terrible. She told me that I should go back to the beginning once I had finished the story and rewrite the beginning. It’s then when you will find out how to best introduce the story itself. What was so interesting about this comment was that I remember the first chapter of my novel to be boring, slow, and I was not very connected to it. However, once I got to the second chapter when I was given more freedom with the characters, it went much better than the first. Also with my previous works I would always struggle to continue working because I believed that the first few chapters were horrible and would delete the whole thing. I am somewhat glad to know that it is not just me that feels this anxiety. I think I will take her advice and try to redo the beginning after I finish the book. Talking to a character-driven author was very interesting because I was able to relate to the author because I see myself as a character-driven author. Her interview was incredibly productive for the research segment of my project, and my writing segment. The story itself has been going much better and was able to finish chapter 2 on Monday. Currently, I am working on Chapter 3 and I have created an outline for myself to follow. I am excited to see how this story turns out and what more I can learn from my research.

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