Jane Olsen Post #3 Wellness Exploration

This week my focus is on nutrition, diet, the emotions behind food and how this relates to wellness. One of my biggest takeaways after exploring this theme for some time has been the vast amount of contradictory information on not only diet and nutrition but within the wellness industry at a whole. This has overwhelmed me during this project because it is hard to determine what is valid and what isn’t (and I have come to believe that aside from the science behind nutrition, a lot of wellness is open to your own interpretation). I have also had to come to terms with the fact that the path to one’s wellness and the wellness of their community is always changing and growing, and I will not be able to tackle/learn everything there is to know about wellness in this short period of time. Further, I have gained clarity in my goals for this project – I want to create a beginning/foundation of learning for myself, implement practices into my routine but be open to learning more in the future.

After researching nutrition and different forms of diets I have also redefined my approach to the word diet, recognizing it as a way of life/being instead of some sort of restriction or plan with a goal of losing weight, or changing something about oneself.

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