Sophie Kielian Blog Post #3

The first few days of the second week of senior project have been successful and productive for me. On Monday, I was able to get a lot of research done as well as organize my previous research onto noodle tools. It felt much better to have all of my notes and information organized by topic into notecards. I think this will be very helpful for me when I am creating a final product. However, I am still having some trouble envisioning what my final product will be and how I can use this research in an effective way without simply restating the information I found. I have also been scheduling and planning some interviews for later this week, and I already conducted one of these interviews yesterday. It has been really interesting to hear the different ways people are adapting/staying active, however, again, I am still figuring out how I will use this information as a part of a final, culminating product. I have been continuing my experiments with at-home workouts, this week with a focus on yoga/dance. I have been trying different yoga and dance classes through apps and lifestreams and have so far really enjoyed this experience. It is new and different for me, however it has been very relaxing and enjoyable. I have also been doing some research on the science behind yoga and studies that have been done on the practice, which has been really cool and something that I never knew or thought about before.

One thought on “Sophie Kielian Blog Post #3

  1. This seems like a really interesting and current project. I like the idea of interviewing people and learning about a diverse array of COVID-19 “health and wellness” experiences. It might help your project to do some research on how fitness companies are adapting to COVID-19. For example, I know that gyms like equinox and fitness clubs like rumble have been doing a lot of Instagram livestreams so the use of social media/fitness could be something cool to look into.

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