For the second half of my first week of senior project, I continued to do research and started conducting some interviews. For my research, I continued reading articles from data bases, including lots of current research/trials about the impacts of exercise on the brain. I also found a course called “The Science of Exercise” on youtube that I have been watching and taking notes on. After writing and reviewing my interview questions, I started reaching out to people that I wanted to interview and began some of these interviews. So far, I have conducted 4 interviews and plan to do more throughout this week. It has been interesting to hear from a variety of people in my life about how their exercise and mental health have shifted due to the coronavirus, however I’m not sure yet how I will use these interviews in my final product. I have also been continuing doing at-home exercise. I have been testing out a variety of online formats and resources that are available. I used the FitOn app, the Nike Training App, and some classes that were posted on Instagram TV. I wrote a review of the FItOn app, which has been my favorite platform so far, which I will hopefully be able to use as a part of my final product. Overall, it was a good first week and I am excited to continue.