Julia Week 1: Blog #1

My project has two components, a design piece and a research piece. The first relies heavily on a textbook, which has prompts at the end of every chapter. The first few days of my work have been mostly to parse through the first chapter, either learning new concepts or reminding myself of old ones. The first part of the chapter was focused on definitions of recurring words and concepts. These were things I was familiar with, but still wanted to go over to make sure I didn’t miss anything. These were things like work, power, effort force, and more. The second piece of the chapter I’ve been working through is the six simple machines, as well as mechanical advantage. This chapter as a whole is really just getting back to the basics, I worked through about ¾ of it, taking notes as I went. The rest of my time these first few days was spent doing research. More like the first steps of research. I realized that while I know the general concept of sustainable infrastructure, I had none of the specific vocabulary that could actually allow me to search and find articles or media. So I spent these last few days getting my bearings. I did basic searches to see what was out there and started to read. Because I was just getting a feel for it, I simply read through whatever I found, and did a quasi free write on what exactly I thought I needed to search for based on that. Overall, it’s been a good start.  

(one example of the notes I took)

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