Jaquie Adler- Blog post #1

My project and essential question are as followed:

“I will be studying how COVID-19 affects different healthcare systems around the world and by studying that, help me come up with a solution to make our healthcare system more fair and equitable for all.” 


Essential question: 

How are various healthcare facilities around the world dealing with COVID-19, and how can understanding this help make the healthcare system more fair and equitable for all?

During the first week, I looked for online courses that I could take about COVID-19. This was pretty hard because the information is constantly changing. However, I found one: COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and UK Public Health Rapid Support Team. This was an article, interview, and presentation based course that was supposed to take 3 weeks to finish doing an hour a day. However, I finished this course within 2-3 days and received my certificate alongside taking notes (attached). Along with this, I started reading An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back. This was recommended by my Literature of Medicine teacher last trimester as well as my mentor. I thought I could intake information about our healthcare system and apply it later to my solution. While reading this, I had many questions so the article that I found for our homework was about life insurance and the effects of dealing with COVID-19. Throughout this entire process, I was in contact with my mentor, Jerry Clements, the owner of family practice by Washington Square Park. We emailed back and forth, reading over my note and information, asking questions if need be. It was a pretty successful couple of days, one thing that I worry about is that I still have very little information on Coronavirus, however, I might take another course on it from a different source that was just released in hope to get more up to date information.

covid19-novel-coronavirus certificate

Notes that I’ve been taking

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