Tag Archive for poverty

Coalition for the Homeless interviews

Last week, Chiara, Scekem, and I went to 51st street to St. Bart’s Church, which is one branch of Coalition for the Homeless. We were able to interview four men about their experiences with poverty and homelessness. Only one of the men was filmed, but his story will be added to the documentary. The stories…

McSilver Institute Visit

Although I wasn’t able to attend the meeting that my social justice group had with Mary McKay from the McSilver Institute, I was present when Ammu Kowolik, the assistant director, and Gary Parker came to talk to our class. Instead of potentially boring our class with a constant stream of statistics, Ammu and Gary put…

Food Van 1/20/14

On Monday night, my social justice group was given the opportunity to go on a food van that delivered dinner to the homeless or poor throughout the Bronx. Amanda Moretti, mother of former LREI student, helped to facilitate our collaboration with Coalition for the Homeless’ food van. Amanda. Moretti told us that running the food…

Interview with Alice Steigerwald, 11/6/13

  The poverty group went on a fieldwork yesterday. We visited the Covenant House which is a transitional housing unit for youth in NYC. The goal of this visit was to find basic information about poverty and what difference our group could make in our community. We were a couple minutes late because of difficulty…

Volunteer Work with Homes for the Homeless 11/22/13

My social justice group visited Homes for the Homeless, a homeless shelter that is centered around families with children. We met with Margaret Mangini who works with the children on weekdays. We worked with the children to do thanksgiving related arts and crafts. Our group was able to prove that poor children are no different…

Interview with Peter Brest

Last Thursday, Peter Brest, the Chief Operating Officer of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty came to our school to talk with us. We learned a lot, specifically about the next steps in our process. Mr. Brest was able to inform us not only about various statistics and problems, but also about the ways in…

Volunteer at St. John’s Food Pantry, 11/20/13

Yesterday our group accompanied a teacher and her six sixth graders to St. John’s food pantry. We stayed there from about 12:30 until a little after 2:00. We volunteered with the women who handed out food, bagged cans and sorted groceries. My job was to take the tickets of single adults and senior citizens and…

UN Conference, October 17

Both poverty groups went to a Poverty Eradication Conference at the United Nations. We heard from many speakers from all over the world. The goal of the visit was simply to gain statistical information to head off our project. Getting to and from the UN was simple, and our group coped well with the high…

Interview with Alice Steigerwald, 11/6/13

The poverty group went on a fieldwork yesterday. We visited the Covenant House which is a transitional housing unit for youth in NYC. We met with Alice Steigerwald and discussed the work of Covenant House and general poverty in New York. We also learned about how Covenant House and others similar organizations work including what…