Interview Preparation
Schedule and Confirm Your Interview
- Confirm the best time to schedule your interview based on the interviewee and your group’s schedule. Ask, will this be a zoom interview or in-person. In-person is the best AND we can always host them here. (Scheduling during lunch and recess is a good time. Remember – we are in Eastern Standard Time zone.)
- Send a confirmation email and ask if it’s OK to RECORD the interview (if not, take good notes)
- Mark your personal calendar
Prepare for Your Interview
1. Research the person and organization
- Know the person’s first and last names, position title, job description, and overview of the organization
2. Makes a list of questions — YOU only need 5 GOOD questions for a 30 minute interview. PRO TIP: Make it a conversation, not robotic by asking spontaneous questions as you go based off of what the person says.
Sample Questions
*Always start off by introducing yourselves and the project. Tell them a little bit about why you’re interested and also let them know why you are excited to meet with them!
- Can you tell us what you do at _____________ organization and how you got into this line of work?
- Why should young people care about this issue and what are the most important things we should know about it?
- We did some research and found out that you accomplished/are working on ____________________________________, Can you tell us more about that?
- Is there any story you can tell us that illustrates an important aspect of *this issue* or your experience working in this field?
- What communities are being affected the most by this issue and why?
- What would you say to young people, like us, who want to make a difference around this problem?
- Do you know of any volunteer opportunities or other groups we should speak to?
- Is there anything else you’d like to say that you didn’t get to share?
*Store questions in a shared google drive folder (must make this and include all members)
**Decide who will ask what and practice
***Record interview if you have permission. Take GREAT notes if you can not.