What is Fieldwork?

What is Social Justice “Fieldwork?”

Once you have established your group and topic, you will research and contact NYC organizations and professionals who work in your field.  Every member of your group is required to complete fieldwork as a part of the Social Justice Project. The goals of your fieldwork are to 1) learn about your topic 2) to take action in your area of interest 3) gain real world experience.

Fieldwork must fit one of the following criteria:

  • Volunteer for an organization related to your topic
  • Be a part of a rally, march, demonstration or news event
  • Lobby on behalf of your topic
  • Attend a conference or sit in on a meeting
  • Interview of an expert on your topic
  • Go on a tour of the offices or facilities of an organization related to your topic
  • Host a guest speaker in the middle school, high school or for the eighth grade
  • Plan a movie screening (invite directors, producers, actors)
  • Watch a movie about your topic (must be approved)
  • Attend a museum exhibit related to your topic (must be approved)


Tips and Expectations

**Important Tips: Before you leave, you MUST know the name of the person with whom you are meeting, the address and contact information of the organization, the route to get there.  Be sure you have easy access to your interview questions, even if there is no wifi. Check also that your fieldwork is on the Social Justice Google calendar, that each of you has parent permission, and everyone has a charged phone.

•    Wear a business-casual outfit. Look tidy.

•   Have your Student ID and Phone

  • Don’t be late. In fact, be early!

•    Always introduce yourself and shake hands—each time you visit!

•    Turn cell phone ringers off.

•    Say please, thank you, you’re welcome, excuse me…

•    If your fieldwork is not what you expected, stay positive and engaged anyway.

•   Be willing to work with anyone and to do tasks that may seem mundane.

•    Make it so that your Social Justice Organization would want to have you back, and/or write you a positive reference for future job searches.