On March 7th, 2014, our whole group attended a meeting with Daniel Wilkinson from Human Rights Watch. We went to the Human Rights Watch offices in the Empire State Building to meet with him. The Human Rights Watch organization works on revealing violations of human rights to the governments of their countries. They work for…
Young Guns
We are a social justice group that is focused on helping rid the United States of gun violence. We are doing this by raising awareness and educating people about this important issue. We are also doing anything we can to help pass bills and laws that prevent gun violence. We are reaching out to senators and other activists who have the power to positively affect change. To start, we believe that we need stricter gun law throughout America so that every child in America, rich or poor, can be safer. We know that there are responsible gun owners in this nation, but we also know that many lives are lost by those who had easy access to guns. As representatives of America’s youth, we feel obligated to protect our future in this fight against gun violence.
Interview with Peter Putka
by 18lachlane
Peter Putka is a filmmaker who is currently working on a movie about gun violence. The goal of his film is to send the message that little events like your coffee being to hot can lead to a bigger event such as a shooting etc. One of the reasons he may have wanted to make…
by 18daltons
My group and I got the opportunity to meet with filmmaker Peter Putka. He is currently working on an “interactive movie” which shows the things that leads up to a mass shooting. This interview showed us the unique ways people are addressing violence. For example Putka was making a movie where you can change the…
Speaking in Front of City Hall
by 18daltons
Our social justice group got the amazing opportunity to speak outside city hall in front of reporters for major news networks and very important politicians. The goal of the field work was to get as many new contacts as possible and to speak in front of many people. From this trip, I learned how big…
1 Year anniversary of Newtown Shooting
by 18lachlane
On December 14, 2012, the Sandy Hook Newtown shooting took place. One year later, my group went down to city hall to take part in the ceremony commentating the one year anniversary. Many people spoke including a teacher who survived the colombine high school massacre only to be shot some time later by a mugger…
Interview with Richard Aborn
by 18lachlane
Richard Aborn is the president of the citizens crime commission of New York City, and organization that seeks to reduce crime, especially gun violence and to improve methods used to convict criminals. In our interview Richard Aborn talked about how guns are restricted to varying degrees depending on what state your in. Many illegal gun…
Our Interview With Richard Aborn
by 18keithd
Keith Daly January 9, 14 On December 10, 2013 my social justice group and I took a trip to the building of The Crime Commission of New York and met with their organization’s president Richard Aborn. As soon as we arrived we were greeted with smiles from members of the commission all excited…
Our Speech At City Hall’S Rally: One Year Since Newtown
by 18keithd
On December 12, 2013 my social justice group and I took part in a fieldwork at City Hall. For this fieldwork my group and I were invited to speak at City Hall to honor the progress New York has made as a state in the fight against gun violence. I was specifically chosen to write…
Private: Interview with Richard Aborn
by 18daltons
On December 10, 2013, our Social Justice group went to the Citizens Crime Commission office to meet with Richard Aborn, President of the Commission. The goal of this field work was to get as much information on our subject as possible. We wanted to learn from a master and a veteran of gun control lobbying.…
Interview with Richard Aborn 12/10/13
by 18nolany
Richard Aborn is the president of the Citizens Crime Commission of New York, an organization that deals with crime reduction in the streets of New York, and strengthen the criminal justice system of New York. The goal of this fieldwork was to get information from someone who’s job is dealing with crime in New York.…
March in Poughkeepsie
by 18alegbac
On November 16th Keith, Nolan, Dalton, and I went on a march in Poughkeepsie. This march was organized by Million Moms March, founded by Donna Dees. The march was on a bridge cross the Hudson River. When we got there, the speaker gave us a shout out. As we started to march, we saw many…
Eighth Graders Speak Up at City Hall Rally “One Year Since Newtown”
by Momii

Dear Colleagues, Yesterday, Keith, Alegba, Lachlan, Nolan and Dalton did a wonderful job representing our school’s commitment to social justice and participatory citizenship. The boys were invited to be a part of “One Year Since Newtown”, a City Hall rally. In addition to being a part of the assembly, Keith was asked to be the…
Our Trip to Poughkeepsie
by 18daltons
On November 16th my group, which is focusing on work against gun violence, drove to Poughkeepsie to meet with Donna Dees and Mothers Against Gun Violence to march across the Hudson River to support anti-gun violence legislation. We learned many people’s views on gun laws and violence. This had an impact on the way I…
Gun Violence March in Poughkeepsie 11/16/13
by 18nolany
After our interview with Donna Dees, she invited us to a gun violence march located in Poughkeepsie, New York. It was a march supporting stricter gun laws throughout the US. The goal of this fieldwork was to actually get involved in and support the movement for stricter gun laws instead of only conducting interviews about…
Our March Across the Hudson Against Gun Violence
by 18keithd
On November 16, 2013 my social justice group and I took a trip to Poughkeepsie, New Jersey for a field work. There we marched across the Hudson River with over hundred people all there to support the fight against gun violence. Our main goal for participating in this fieldwork was to get out in the…
Interview with Donna Dees
by 18alegbac
Our group met with someone called Donna Dees. Donna Dees is an activist against gun violence. She is the person who organized the million moms march in Washington D.C. About 750,000 people marched with her on that day. The goal for our fieldwork was to learn more about our topic and to realize how our…
Meeting with Donna Dees
by 18alegbac
Our group met with someone called Donna Dees. Donna Dees is an activist against gun violence. She is the person who organized the Million Moms March in Washington D.C. About 750,000 people marched with her on that day. The goal for our fieldwork was to learn more about our topic and to realize how our…
Interview with Donna Dees
by 18lachlane
Our first fieldwork I believe went very well. We interview Donna Dees, founder of the Millions Moms M arch which is a movement against gun violence. In 2007, after the Virginia Tech Massacre the millions moms march demanded that when guns are sold mental health records should be looked over to check for any problems.…
Interview with Donna Dees, Creator of Million Moms’ March
by 18daltons
LREI Gun violence group meeting activist Donna Dees Our social justice group got the chance to meet with creator of The Million Moms March Donna Dees. We learned so much and got many contacts from this interview. Our question was: “How did you start it (Million Moms’ March) and When did you start it?” To…
Interview with Donna Dees, 11/7/13
by 18nolany
Donna Dees is an activist for gun violence prevention and gun violence laws in the United States. She is the founder of Million Moms March, a group of almost a million moms who marched in Washington for stricter gun laws throughout the United States. On November 7th we met with Donna in our school for…
Young Guns
by student

We are a social justice group that is focused on helping rid the United States of gun violence. We are doing this by raising awareness and educating people about this important issue. We are also doing anything we can to help pass bills and laws that prevent gun violence. We are reaching out to senators…