Immigration Nation
We are eighth graders from LREI School (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) in Greenwich Village, NYC. Our grade is embarking on a social justice project in which we focus on civil/human rights issues of our interest. Our group chose immigration as our topic. We are focusing on the rights of the undocumented youth immigrants in the United States. We are also focusing on the DREAM Act, a U.S. Federal law that has not been passed yet, that would guarantee permanent residency for undocumented high school graduates. It stands for “Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors.”
Long Island Wins
by student
http://www.longislandwins.com This is an organization headquartered in Long Island, who is fighting for the rights of undocumented youth immigrants in the U.S.
Immigration Nation
by student

We are eighth graders from LREI School (Little Red Schoolhouse + Elisabeth Irwin High School) in Greenwich Village, NYC. Our grade is embarking on a social justice project in which we focus on civil/human rights issues of our interest. Our group chose immigration as our topic. We are focusing on the rights of the undocumented…