On Thursday, the 21st of April we interviewed our 5/6th grade PE teacher, Luis Hernandez. He has experience in female sports due to him being a coach of middle schools and high school girls’ teams. Luis has been coaching the girls for a few years now and he gave us some information on how girls’ sports are treated differently than men’s sports.
Luis told us that immediately after switching to coaching girls’ teams, he notice a huge fan difference. Boys noticeably had way more fans than girls by a lot. He said that this is because when girls play basketball it’s a lot more fundamental whereas boys players are more flashy. In recent years, it has gotten way better. As a middle schooler, I came to support our middle school girls’ volleyball team was coached by Luis. In the interview, he states that he noticed that there were many more fans than before. He went on to say that Our generation is starting to make a difference that is becoming noticeable. Our volleyball team did really well and as a school, we did a great job of supporting them. Even though our school’s athletics program isn’t the greatest Luis is always motivated to coach and I am truly inspired.