
Name: Tess Social Justice Group: 2018-2019 Date of Fieldwork: October 1, 2018 Name of Organization: Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Type of Fieldwork: What I did: What I learned: What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Postcards for Florida

We made postcards and sent them out to people who live in two counties in Florida. We sent out cards telling people when they can vote for amendment 4 and why the need to

Name: Tess Social Justice Group: 2018-2019 Date of Fieldwork: October 1, 2018 Name of Organization: Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Type of Fieldwork: What I did: What I learned: What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Postcard for Change

We wrote postcards to people in Florida reminding them to vote for amendment 4 and that there vote really matters. The whole grade participated in this activity.

Name: Andrei Social Justice Group: 2018-2019 Date of Fieldwork: October 1, 2018 Name of Organization: Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Molly Haris Type of Fieldwork: What I did: What I learned: What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Name: Andrei Social Justice Group: 2018-2019 Date of Fieldwork: October 1, 2018 Name of Organization: Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Molly Haris Type of Fieldwork: What I did: What I learned: What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

LGBTQ+ Youth and Coming Out

Our group is focusing on LGBTQ+ Youth and Coming out. Many kids don’t have a safe place to be themselves and their parents throw them out of their houses when they come out to them because they don’t accept them so we are trying to figure out ways to help the increasing number of homeless…

What is Real Beauty?: Women in Fashion

Our group is dedicated to researching and fighting against the incredibly unrealistic beauty standards in the fashion industry. Many models fight against sexualization and body shaming in the modeling industry. This is not only uncomfortable and rude to the models it also creates unrealistic images for anyone who sees these ads. This leads to unhealthy…

How Social Media Affects Teen Girls’ Body Image

Our group is committed to making social media a more body positive place for teen girls to use. Social media has a large negative effect on many girls’ body image because they are constantly seeing unrealistic body standards. A developing brain is easily molded and the younger kids hear a message, the more it sticks…

Race, Equality, and Activism in Sports

Our group is dedicated to stopping racial and gender stereotypes in sports. So many players and kids can’t stand up for themselves without getting a label that isn’t true. We believe that race  does not define anyone and it should not. We are all super passionate about the Colin Kaepernick movement. We believe that Kaepernick…

Poverty In Education: Dropping Out

Our group is devoted to helping teens in NYC break the treacherous cycle of poverty. It has been proven that the number one reason that teens leave school in some areas is that they need to make money for their family to survive. Leaving high school leads children into having the same kind of life…

The Solution to Plastic Diffusion

Our group is dedicated to solving the problem of plastics in our ocean and drinking water. This is a problem because if a plastic is small enough it can enter your cells, and plastic can contain many harmful chemicals. Our group is studying how to repurpose plastic using technology.

Policing in NY

Our group is studying how police treat people of color, different genders, and those with disabilities. Our groups goal is to study the different ways these groups are regarded by the police. There has been so much trouble recently in America regarding police officers using more force then what is necessary when faced with arresting…

Education and Poverty: Homelessness

Our group is committed to learn about how housing instability affects a child’s education in Public Schools. Nobody knows whether the experience of homelessness makes a child determined to make the best of their situation, or give up. Homelessness is hard to escape if you aren’t going to school. When a child doesn’t receive a…

Freedom of the Press

Our group is focused on Freedom of the press in the US as well as in other countries. We want to find out how the 1st amendment may be flawed, as well as how other countries policies and actions affect press in the US. There have been times where the government directly stops and manipulates…

Promotion for the Ocean

Our group is studying climate change and the effect it has on marine environments and ecosystems. One specific example of this would be how rising ocean temperatures destroys coral reefs which are home to thousands of fish and plankton. When coral takes on abnormal amounts of heat, it becomes stressed, and it removes the algae…

Access to Sports in NYC

Our group is kids access to sports in NYC. We believe that every kid should get the same opportunity to play and enjoy sports just as we do. So many kids in low-income schools and under-resourced neighborhoods can’t afford sports programs and therefore aren’t getting any exercise and no place to play sports. We are…

Maternal Health

Our group is passionialy studying maternal health. We are trying to help all women have access to the healthcare they need during and after their pregnancies. We want to ensure that all mothers around the world have a safe environment to give birth, and for prenatal care. Every day, 830 women die during childbirth from…