Some of the ideas we had to solve the problem of food deserts was to buy healthy food at a supermarket. What that does is when you buy an item, you are instantly voting for it, the more people buy it and the more they will put of that item, after a long time, they…
Health and Food
Maysville Interview
by Alice
How healthy is your food? Answer: it ranges to 1-10 depending on what you order. Buy from the right places (union square farmers market). All meat comes from good places. They make their own everything. Where do you buy your fruit and vegetables from? Answer: union square farmers market 4 days a week. Vegetable…
Do and Share
by Stella
Obviously the social justice teach-in enabled all of us to put our knowledge out into the school and teach others about our topic. But for us the teach-in was a part in a very long important process. Throughout this project visiting organizations and doing hands on work made us realize that making a difference…
by Hanna
For our fifth fieldwork, Stella, Alice and I went to a restaurant called Maysville. Maysville is a 4.5 star restaurant, and we wanted to see and hear about the healthiness of food from a different perspective other than just from our eyes. Many people just assume that fast food restaurants are unhealthy while fancy restaurants…
food stamp challange
by Stella
Newark conservancy
by Stella
the newark conservancy is a organization that focuses on teaching the newark community about heathy local food. They have many empty lot farms throughout newark. These farms help stock local farmers markets and give ingredients to cooking classes. The actual building includes green houses and gardens. The Conservancy teaches classes and helps schools learn about…
Food deserts
by Alice
by Stella
by Stella
On our recent field work to newark we met up with my uncle Charles Rosen; an owner of a farm supporting recently incarcerated men and women. our first stop was at the Newark conservatory. This organization focused on local farming and helping people learn about fresh and local food. We then got to talk to…
Food Banks
by Hanna
by Hanna
Food Deserts/ Food Cycle
by Alice
The Food Stamp Challenge
by Hanna
Food Stamped Movie
by Alice
The “Food stamped” movie was very educational. I really liked it, but it made me very emotional and made me understand how people who live on food stamps live. It was about a couple that tried living off food stamps for a month. They were interviewing people in the streets asking them if people can live off…
Food stamped movie screening
by Stella
Food and Health
by Clair
Fast food restaurants are everywhere. They portray their food as healthy and good. Most people don’t realize what’s really inside their typical burger. Do you know? Our group focuses on the unhealthy reality of fast foods. Eating too much of it can create sicknesses and diseases and can ultimately shorten your life. Although many people…