Environmental Racism

field work number one

Our group went to the Urban Communities climate Resilience Conference. The conference was located uptown near Columbia. When we arrived, we were greeted by David Chang, the Environmental Health Coordinator. We helped hand out information pamphlets about different ways you can stay healthy and use non-toxic products to the guests coming in. I learned that…

Change Climate Change Feel

Throughout our project we hoped to learn what we could do to help the climate and how we can prevent climate change. We chose this problem because we recognized that climate change affects us all, and that it is a huge threat that we need to fix. While on our fieldwork, we heard many stories…

SHARE (Change Climate Change)

After going on fieldworks for the DO stage, we needed to share our work to inspire others. We learned that if you feel that something is wrong in the world, you can’t for others to make the change. You have to make the change yourself. In the beginning of the social justice project, we were…


In the do stage we went on many fieldwork to learn what it felt like to take action. We contacted organizations such as the beyond coal Campain, the Sierra club, El Nevado and many more. We went as far as Albany, New York and as close as an LREI classroom. No matter had far away…


As the Climate Change group We thought that we could attend conferences and rallies to help spread awareness to people with political power as well as voters. There are no big immediate solutions that we can put in act right now. So we settled for small things that still make a difference such as: recycling,…

Interview with Gabriel Mendez, Director of El Nevado

Our interview with Gabriel Mendez was more beneficial to him and El Nevado than to us. We were originally going to be interviewed by Brian Torres but he couldn’t make it. He interviewed us on our views on climate change and how we think it will effect us. These questions and our answers will probably…


I had to wake up at 5:30 to get to the Starbucks where we were meeting near the port authority our bus left from. We met at 6:30 with both social justice groups. Ming, Maisy, Graham and Me in one group. Brianna, Ciro and Michelle were in another group. The scramble to find how we…

Idlewild Park Wetland Cleanup

We met at Idlewild Park with the park services and we also met Micheal Wassermann from the Gowanus Canal Conservancy group unintentionally. We had not talked to anyone in specific, we just happened across the Cleanup and decided that it would be great to participate. We learned a bit about just how much trash there…

Interview with Anthony Rogers-Wright

On January 26, 2015, my group had an interview with Anthony Rogers-Wright. We first saw Anthony on our first fieldwork at Patagonia’s screening “This Changes Everything.” We thought he was a very interesting and powerful speaker so we decided to contact him. Once we go in touch with Anthony we set up and interview at…

Climate Rally in Albany

On Wednesday, January 13th, both climate change groups went to Albany to go to a climate rally and march. All of us (Ming, Jane, Maisy, Graham, Michelle, Ciro, Brianna, Scott and Danny) met at a Starbucks near the bus station at 6:30am at around 6:45am two of our group members were running late so the CCC group decided to…

Interview With Daniel Sherrel (Beyond Coal Campaign.)

Daniel Sherrell is the head organizer in New York for the Sierra club. We asked Daniel Sherrel alot about how he got interested in fighting for global warming. His father was a camera man and would often go to Antarctica. Daniel told us about 350.org and how Bill Mckiben was the first politition to really try…

Climate March at City Hall

On Sunday, 11/29, my group and I met up and went down to city hall for a climate march. We arrived with signs to hold up during the march. We quickly met up with Brian Torres, who is making a documentary on climate change. He filmed us as we marched. The march actually started shortly…

Interview With Brian Torres

We recently met with and interviewed Brian Torres about his documentary on climate change. He originally came to our school to present his work, and we contacted him later to talk more. His documentary, El Nevado is about climate change and how kids are involved and how they are or are not educated on the…

Interview With Daniel Sherrell

We recently met with Daniel Sherrell, to talk about climate change, in which he is working to change. He is a member of the Sierra Club, an environmental group. We listened to him speak at the Patagonia screening of This Changes Everything a little while ago. We also recently went to a rally and press…

Beyond Coal Campaign Rally

My group and I went to City Hall where a rally was held by the Beyond Coal Campaign. Before going to the rally, we emailed Daniel Sherrell about a possible interview and going to the rally. At the rally, we met him in person. A man behind a card board coal plant handed us signs…

Beyond Coal Campaign Rally: City Hall 11/24/15

We went to a rally at city hall organized by the beyond coal campaign. A campaign commited to shutting down all of the coal factories in America. At the rally all whole bunch of people from around New York and us rallied at city hall and listened to various political leaders speak about why New…

Climate change march (around city hall) 11/29/15

Our group attended a march on Sunday. We marched around city hall for about an hour yelling “what do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!” And many other chants. We made signs and Ming made flower crowns and we wore them and showed our passion for this topic. We met with…

Interview with Daniel Sherrell (beyond coal campaign)

Daniel Sherrell is the head organizer in New York for the Sierra club. Our interview with Daniel Sherrell went very well. We asked Dan about how he got into working with the Beyond Coal Campaign and be basically told us how he got started with climate change. His father partly worked in Antarctica and throughout the…

Interview with Brian Torres

Interview with Brian Torres. Although we had to reschedule this interview on a very short notice it was a very successful interview for our group. We rescheduled this interview multiple times because of in-convince, but the day of we had to reschedule again because of a mandarin presentation. This lead us to realize we need…

The New School- Youth Climate Change Event

On November 19th, our group went to The New School for a press conference on Youth participation in Climate Change. On the panel were five middle school to college age students, who have made a difference and are continuing to work on changing a topic within climate change. It was really interesting to get to…

Interview With Brian Torres

On November 23, my group and I met with a man named Brian Torres. Brian is currently a climate change activist who is creating a documentary called “El Nevado.” He interviews young people and asks them about their thoughts on climate change. Brian visited our school before the interview. During the interview Brian explained that…

Interview With Brian Torres 11/23/15

During this interview we met Brian Torres, a documentarian who is currently making a documentary called El Nevado. We asked a lot about what he was hoping to achieve with documentary and what the generation is thinking and how there thinking about the envirement. It was really interesting to learn about what these kids were…

Beyond Coal Campaign Rally: City Hall

We went to a rally at city hall organized by the beyond coal campaign. Although we had emailed Daniel Sherrell many times before this about a possible interview we finally talked to him in person when we met him. Daniel Sherrell is the New York organizer for the Sierra club. Graham stood in front with…

Global Climate Change March 11/28/15

WE met at city Hall with around 500 other people on the flaHall with around 500 other people. We then proceeded to march around hall for around an hour. When the finished we gather around and listens as some politicians made a Speach. Although we couldn’t hear them, it was interesting to talk with the…

The New School Youth Climate Change Confrence

On Thursday, November 19th my group went to the New School. I met Jane, Graham and Maisy at the school. A woman was talking about how climate change is affecting people in poverty the most. After that woman spoke, another woman introduced a few kids who are involved in climate change. One boy named Jefferson…

New SchooNew School Equity For Children Press Conference NYC

The Confrence had many young adults talk about what they were doing in their communities, and other peoples communities. One kid was campaigning for the imatter movement. Another Columbia student filled us in with his plots to sue ther government along with 21 other young Americans. 2  young someritans from upstate New York talked about…

Global Climate Change March

November 29th, my group and I went to the global climate change march. Brian Torres, a man who we previously interviewed, met us at the march and filmed us. Before the march, we met at Maisy’s house and made signs, I also brought flower crowns and a plant hat. We walked over to City Hall…

This Changes Everything Screening at Patagonia

On Wednesday, November 11 my group and I went to a screening of a movie called “This Changes Everything” we met at the school at 5:45pm and walked to the Patagonia store in SoHo. We arrived at the store at about 6:00pm where people were already taking their seats. We sat down when a man…

New School: Climate change, cities and youth engagement 11/19/15

We visited the new school on November 19, 2015. Although when we had first decided to RSVP to this event we thought that it would be an ordinary press conference on climate change and getting involved, when we arrived we were surprised to see the conference was specifically about youth engagement. This was very good…

‘This Changes Everything’ Movie Screening at Patagonia

On Wednesday, November 11th, our group went to the SoHo Patagonia Store for a press conference and showing of the documentary film, This Changes Everything. Once the event started, a few representatives of different climate change and environmental improvement groups and projects spoke about what they were working on. We learned about the South Bronx,…

Change Climate Change

Climate change is a global issue that each of us contributes to. There are pipelines running throughout the world that could potentially make certain cities uninhabitable for more than 200,000 years! Our group is focusing on the effects of climate change and what we can do to keep our planet green. Remember, there’s no planet…