On our latest fieldwork our group was able to meet the esteemed photographer, Steve Liss, an expert on juvenile justice. Steve Liss spent over 2 years in a juvenile detention center Texas, photographing and learning from the inmates. He was first inspired to take on this line of work after visiting a juvenile incarceration center while…
Juvenile Incarceration: How Young is Too Young?
Our group is composed of four dedicated 8th graders, determined to correct the juvenile justice system to focus more on rehabilitation than on punishment. And to end human rights violations, like solitary confinement, in juvenile detention centers for good.
Interview with Cheryl Roberts, Head of the Greenburger Center
by 19wilderc
For our fourth fieldwork we had an interview with Cheryl Roberts, the head of the Greenburger center, a recently founded organization that is working on an alternative to prison for people with mental illnesses. The Greenburger center was founded last year by Francis Greenburger, but lead by Cheryl Roberts. As said before the Greenburger center’s…
Interview with Cheryl Roberts
by 19finnp
Cheryl Roberts, who is the head of the of the Greenburger Foundation, told us about what the foundation is trying to stop. The Foundation exists to try to prevent people with mental health problems from going to jail. The Foundation will create in the future, a mental health program that provides group therapy, and individual…
Interview with Ismael Nazario, a firsthand witness of the prison system
by 19wilderc

For our third fieldwork we had an interview with Ishmael Nazarro of the Fortune Society, and a formerly incarcerated juvenile. When Ishmael was 16 he was arrested for robbery and sent to Rikers Island. Shortly after being released from prison he was arrested for another robbery that he had not committed. Despite being innocent he…
Interview with Ismael Nazario
by 19beckettm
You’re 16. You’re alone. You’re afraid. You’re confined to a cold, wet six-by-eight cell with low lights. This is what former juvenile offender Ismael Nazario experienced during his stay at the Rikers Island Correctional Facility. For a petty theft, he received a lengthy sentence at Rikers. In addition to that, he was brought back…
Steve Liss
by 19finnp

Steve Liss taught us that 200,000 youths are sentenced each year as adults in the United States. Those youths that are incarcerated cost the U.S. 6 billion dollars each year. Steve Liss goes to different prisons and takes pictures of how awful the prisons are to try to spread awareness to everyone. Steve Liss has…
Ismael Nazario
by 19finnp
LREI Speaker Series
by 19finnp
The speakers talked to us about the U.S. having only 5% of the world’s population, yet we have 25% of the worlds incarcerated. The speakers talked about how we as a country need to try to help stop people from reoffending, for around 80% of the people who are released from prison go back. Many…
Presentation at the PAC
by 19beckettm

Presentation at the PACThis is our second field work. Last Tuesday was spent in the LREI High School PAC, listening to a panel of incarceration experts discuss incarceration in america. This was our second field work and we learned a lot. The main speaker was Mr. Green burger, an LREI parent and a person who…
Speaker Event with Francis Greenburger
by 19wilderc

On tuesday my group had the pleasure of attending a speaker event hosted by our school on mass incarceration. There was a rather distinguished panel at the event; Francis Greenburger, founder of the Greenburger Center and numerous other non-profit organizations. Ann Jacobs, director, Prison Reentry Institute at John Jay College, JoAnne Page, president and CEO, The…
Interview with Saadiq Bey, Project Evaluator for the Fortune Society
by 19wilderc
Interview With Saadiq Bey, 11/17/14
by 19finnp
My group and I interviewed Saadiq Bey. Mr. Bey works for the Fortune Society. He is a really nice guy, and he helped our group a lot. Saadiq offered to get us a tour of the company he works for. Saadiq told us about what the company he worked for was about and why it…