Xavi Solish

Hello, my name is Xavi Solish. I am 13 years old and I live in Brooklyn, New York. I go to LREI in the West Village. My Citizen Action Project is on "The Effects of Climate Change in New York City.

Interview With Billion Oyster Project

My partner Harvey and I interviewed the Billion Oyster Project and learned about what they do to make New York more sustainable to climate change. They hope to build a stronger connection with New Yorkers and their environment and have a bigger impact on what is going on.

They hope to plant 1 billion oysters in New York Harbor by 2035. By planting the oysters it can naturally strengthen the shorelines of New York to minimize the damage caused by high wave energy brought by large storms. Putting the oysters in the water can improve water quality, boost biodiversity, and protect the shorelines from erosion and storm surges. This fieldwork really showed us how there are so many different ways to combat climate change.

Interview With Keanu Arpels-Josiah

My partner Harvey and I spoke with Keanu Arpels-Josiah, a former LREI student and climate activist who works for Fridays for Future. He told us how important it is to speak out about climate change and to push for a better future. He said how important it is to find common ground with the people who don’t believe in the climate crisis and call it a hoax.

He spoke strongly about how there is still hope for the future. He said that I lot of people tried to ignore climate change. Keanu said that this is the worst thing that could be done as well as letting the people who don’t believe that climate change is real have a voice in what is best for the planet that we live on. The most important thing that we can do is to get outside and have our voice heard and speak out on what we to do to help our planet.

Interviews at Washington Square Park

My partner Harvey and I visited Washington Square Park and asked people the questions, do you believe climate change is real, and do you think it will affect New York. We got around seven responses that said climate change was definitely real and it will affect New York. Two people although, believed that climate change was not real and said that the world was run on capitalism and not science.

This was interesting because even though we had heard from so many people that climate change was real, it was surprising to listen to people who believed that it was not. Even though some people did not think that climate change was real, it was still important to listen to a different perspective than what we had heard earlier.

Interview With Eliza

Eliza believes that Climate Change can affect New Yorkers. An example of this is the flooding in Jamcia Bay. She talked about a way that houses become inhabitable is because of there not being enough green infrastructure. Not having enough green infrastructure can cause places to heat up. She mentioned that we can stop the spread by adding green to neighborhoods. She talked about how most neighborhoods that suffer from flooding are low-income areas.

We asked if she tries to stop Climate change, and Eliza said she does what she can, like using energy-efficient cars. She mentioned that not only one person can stop climate change and that we all must do our part. She added that we can help this electing people that want to stop climate problem.