How To ProtestSadly, the field trip to MCNY was not completely benificial for my group. There was not much on my topic. However, I was inspired by the activists featured, and it proved to be a learning experience. It made me wonder about how we should protest. Does violent protest work? Should it be used?…
Interviews In Washington Square Park
by J. Xander Lefleur

Composting; A StudyOn January 10th, Me, Audrey, Hannah, Fox and Taiyo went to Washington Square Park, to interview people about their knowledge of composting. It was really astounding how little most people knew about it. We interviewed 5+ people, and collected valuable data for our Red Talk. Composting is basically recycling food waste. It sounds…
Microplastics And Their Affect On The Human Body
by J. Xander Lefleur

We learned many things from our interview with Eliza. Microplastics have been pushed to the side, even though they have shocking consequences on the human body. Microplastics contain carcinogens, which means they cause cancer. Multiple studies have shown a direct correlation between exposure to microplastics and cancer in the human body. Microplastics have also been linked to the rise in colon and lung cancer.
Microplastics have a drastic effect on the microbiome. The microbiome is located in our gut. It is a place where bacteria thrive. These bacteria help maintain a balance in our bodies. Microplastics disrupt this balance, and the result is a unbalanced human body, which usually causes sickness. Lastly, Microplastics also disrupt the immune system, preventing our body from defending itself from sickness. Overall, microplastics pose a large threat to the human populace, which can only be remedied with change.