
Hello my name is Scarlet Ward. I am 13 years old and I live in Jersey City. I go to school at LREI in the West Village. My Citizen Action Project topic is on "Food Waste in NYC."

Interview with Chef Eric

It was cool to learn about Chef Eric’s experiences with food waste and how LREI helps with it. I learned so much about how our school helps food waste and what they do to prevent it. Chef Eric told us he uses different scraps, like fruits and vegetables, to make different dishes. For example, he…

What I learned from “Wasted the Story of Food Waste.”

I thought it was so interesting to watch the documentary “Watsed the Story of Food Waste.” I learned so much about food waste, which helped me understand more about it. I learned how many chefs, restaurants, and grocery stores help with food waste. Many places use so many kinds of scraps and food that will…