Hudson Moore

My name is Hudson Moore. I'm 13 years old and I got to school at LREI in the west village. My Citizen Action Project is homelessness in NYC.

Hands On Feildwork: Going to the Manhattan Church of Christ

On February 8th Me and my groupmate, Alex, went to the Manhattan Church of Christ to help the homeless by giving them food. A man named Carl Garrison runs it. When I got there,e we set up chai, rs, and Carl explained what to do. There were a bunch of things to do, and there was always something you could do, so it never got boring. I started by setting up the chairs. The,n I put a bunch of cookies into cups to give to the homeless people. Then we took out boxes of Oreos and chips. Then, homeless people started coming in, and I gave them cookies and coffee. Then, after a little, we started handing out meals. We did this for a while, then took a break in a room we could chill in downstairs. After a little, I checked the time, and it was almost over. It had only felt like 45 minutes,s but 3 hours had gone by.

Field Trip To MCNY

My grade and I went to MCNY. We took the train to 103rd Street. When we got there they took us upstairs and talked about the importance of activism in NYC. Then we got to see all the different types of activism in NYC. We saw disability rights, Black rights, women’s rights, trans rights, and many more.

I liked the museum for many reasons. I liked the look of the museum and how they set everything up. It looked modern, and there was some nice artwork. I liked the activist exhibit because there were different sections for different activism. I liked this because it felt like you could toon into that world of activism. Overall the trip was really fun and I liked it.

Talking With Marcia Flores

On January 17 our group interviewed Marcia Flores. She is the education partnerships manager at Advocates for Children of New York. What this means is she tries to get kids who are homeless, schools near their shelter. Because the shelters are assigned randomly a lot of times kids are put in homeless shelters far from their school, Marcia tries to help kids by changing their shelter to somewhere closer to their school.

Marcia explained that her and her team have to look at data from schools to tell if a kid is homeless. They do this by checking how many times kids have been absent. If a kid has been absent more than 17 times they investigate. They do this by contacting the family and child. They then try to work with them to get a closer shelter.