
Hello, my name is Henry. I am a 13 year old boy that lives in Brooklyn, New York. I go to school at LREI in the West Village. My Social Justice Project is about the Violence in Haiti. I chose this topic because the violence that people are facing is not talked about much.

Interview with Briana Beauvoir

For our final fieldwork, we reached out to another non-profit organization called Hope for Haiti. Their main goal is to improve the quality of life for specifically Haitian women and children. On February 21, 2025, we had the opportunity to interview Hope for Haiti’s director of philanthropy, Briana Beauvoir.

She grew up very interested in Haiti as her dad’s side of the family is from there. Briana told us about the time that she visited Haiti. She described nature, food, beaches, and told us how beautiful Haiti truly is. There was a time when kids were playing on a beach that was filled with trash due to the lack of garbage trucks. The kids were still joyful and grateful to play on the beach. Briana talked about how the people of Haiti are so pure and filled with kindness.

In the interview, we asked her if she thought that Haiti gets enough coverage in the U.S. media. She told us that Haiti was a big country and that Port-Au Prince was a very small part of Haiti. The U.S. only focuses on the violence that is going on in Port-Au Prince. There is so much more to Haiti than all the cruelty that is happening in one place. She said that the U.S. specifically covers Port-Au Prince because they like to use big headlines such as all the massacres going on.

I think that it is truly sad how people depict Haitian people and group them all together as violent people just because of gang violence. As Briana said, Haitian people are very nice and the U.S. media needs to cover things outside of Port-Au Prince.

Interview with Paige Oberlag and Todd Lowans

As we researched about the issue in Haiti, my group mates and I stumbled upon a non-profit organization called Mission of Hope. What they do is they supply meals, schooling, transportation, healthcare, etc. On February 8th, we got a chance to interview 2 people that work there. Todd Lowans is the Mission of Hope Vice…