On January 27th 2025, we planned on going to the Rockaways, Queens to do a beach cleanup. But since we are in the middle of January, and how far of a drive it was, we decided that the pier on the Hudson River was a better option for us. Xander’s dad drove us to the pier, so we could pick up pieces of trash, so hopefully they won’t end up in the ocean. Even though it was cold, it was fun to walk around the pier doing something good for the world.
One of the interesting things we found while walking on the pier was geese eating trash that ended up in the river. This is a big problem because all animals are being affected by these plastics ending up in multiple bodies of water. There are multiple photos of fish, or ducks insides, and seeing so many plastic pieces inside of the animal. Its so hard to see that if we are just throwing trash on the ground, it can be hurting so many animals, including us. We walked around the pier for a while, and we picked up 107 pieces of trash, but there are so many more pieces of trash laying on the floor everywhere. We found multiple trash cans on our walk. I don’t understand why you cant just throw your trash into a trashcan. It isint that much extra work. NYC is trying to solve this problem by saying if they catch you littering, they will fine you $250, but I don’t see it fixing such a big problem, as so many more people are doing it.
I hope that people figure out that they are eating microplastic everyday. They should know that they are wearing microplastics aswell. Plastic is all aground us. If you dont dispose your trash well enough, it will eventually get inside of you. Everyone should be very cautious, and take the extra step to throw your trash in a trash can, instead of throwing it on the ground.