
Hello my name is Giovanni Capece Minutolo. I am 13 years old and go to LREI. My citizen action project is focused on water polution.

Water Waste Affect On Us And How We Can Improve The Situation

On January 26, 2025, we watched a documentary on water waste. This documentary taught us that water waste is a big problem in America and that we are slowly turning it into a desert. An example of water waste is how much we use in one day. Did you know that the average American uses 300 gallons per day?

We use a lot of water in our daily lives but there are many ways to cut back on water usage. First, let’s talk about cutting back on water waste in the kitchen. To not waste as much water when cleaning dishes don’t use the sink or rinse them before using a dishwasher because those methods waste the most amount of water, so I recommend to directly put the dishes into the dishwasher so you use the least amount of water. For showering I recommend using a flow reducer to reduce water used in a shower. For sinks, you can use an aerator to reduce water usage and finally, for toilets, some models use less water when flushed. These methods can help us cut down on water waste

Water polutions and how they affect us and what we can do to help

On December 19th, 2024, we Had an interview with Eliza on water pollution how it affects us, and what can we do to help. Water Pollution affects us because we do not have many ways of accessing drinking water this is due to only a small amount of water being drinkable and fresh most of the other sources of water are frozen in glaciers making it inaccessible.

In our time with Eliza, we also learned how pollution effects us and water animals like fish. Fish get affected by pollution due to loose dirt that gets into fish gills and makes it diffuclt for them to breathe. Water pollution affects the humans due to microplastics that can get into the water or food. Microplastics are bad becuase it can get broken down in our bodies and make us sick.

During this interview Eliza talked about envoirmental racism. Enviormental racism is when Low income comunities have worse reasourses becuase of the better reasourses going to more high income comunities.