Audrey Martin

Hi my name is Audrey Martin. I am 14 years old and live in Manhattan, New York. I go to school at LREI in the West Village, and I am in 8th grade. My Citizen Action project is "The Effects That Microplastics Have On Our World" I am interested in this project because I want to make a change in our world. I especially want to focus on fast fashion because it has such a huge impact on our environment. I am very excited to learn more about this topic.

Microplastics: The Truth Behind Fast Fashion

On December 11th our group met with Eliza Zygmutowicz, our science teacher and an expert on our environment. We talked to her about various issues related to microplastics and their effect on the world. It was so interesting to learn about how big of an impact microplastics have on our environment and everyday life.

We talked about the impact that fast fashion has on our environment and learned that when we buy clothes, we should aim to wear them more than once to reduce waste. Fast fashion is a big contributor to pollution and uses up natural resources, which has very bad long-term effects on our planet.

We also learned a lot about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is a huge area in the ocean filled with trash and plastic debris. Eliza told us that microplastics from this patch can get into the food chain not only affecting animals but also people who eat seafood. We talked about ways to take action to help solve these problems. She encouraged us to use less plastic, support eco-friendly clothing brands, and participate in beach cleanups to make a positive difference.