
Our Interview With Abby Diess From God’s Love We Deliver

On February 6th Mabel Lucy and I went to God’s Love We Deliver. We went there to talk to Abby Diess about Food insecurity in NYC. Abby told us about how they deliver food to people who can’t get on there own. They deliver it to people all across the Burrows. Abby also took us on a tour of there kitchen so that we can see where all of their food and form and how they make it. There were lots people there that were very helpful and put all of the meals together so that everyone they serve can have a meal. They also make 17,000 meals per day and a breakfast lunch dinner and dessert plan.

After going to God’s Love We deliver I noticed even more about how much we should care for others about food. Everyone there loves to volunteers and help out. The kitchen also takes volunteers year round. Everybody there is very friendly and loves to do what they do. Having all of these people come out and spend time caring for others really makes a difference towards others health.

Filling A Community Fridge

On January 10th Mabel Lucy and I went to a community fridge. The point of a community fridge is to give out healthy food to people who can’t buy it on their own and need a bit of help. Lots of community fridges aren’t fill plus there aren’t many left for people to use if they need too. Most things that you think shouldn’t go into the fridges like chips, homemade food and perishable foods. But what you should put in there are milk, bread, cheese, and healthy foods. Having these fridges can really make a change in others lives.

After going to fill my first community fridges I started to think why don’t other people do this more often. Having these fridges makes a change for others health. As we were filling the fridge there was this person who was waiting very patently for us to finish so that they could all take the food. Once they took the food I could see it put a smile on there face. I never really thought that others getting food could put a smile on their face after receiving a meal.

Food Inc Documentary

Mabel, Lucy and I watch a documentary called food inc. the things that food Inc is about are processed food, animal life and food waste. the animals in the documentary have been treated so badly, especially the chicken. the chicken have to live in a big barn that is overfilled with other chickens, most of them are overfed and can’t walk because of how fat they get. having this thought in mind people might go and get the organic brands after hearing what happens with your food but getting these organic brands might not be the best for you or your health.

after watching Food Inc I’ve realized even more that food is a privilege. this documentary made me really think deep about how our food is processed to us. I think that people should know about this because the food that you eat could really make a change in your health and the way that you feel.

interview with Chef Eric

Mabel Lucy and I set up an interview with our head Chef Eric. Eric was talking a lot about how much food waste there is during lunch. he was talking a lot about how kids would put a lots of food on there plates when they wouldn’t even finish it after lunch is over. Having all of that food go to waste is really bad because the food that kids didn’t eat should go to people who need it much more than them. Most of this food waste is coming from our salad bar. kids would be talking more than what they can even eat and then waste it. people should just remember to take what you can eat.

something that I was really surprised about was how much food is being wasted every day at our school. after having this interview with Chef Eric I realized how much food I was putting on my plate at lunch. during our lunch time I noticed kids putting mountains of food on their plates and then watching them throw it all out without even making a dent in it. that just really breaks my heart because that food that they didn’t eat could have gone to someone who needs that food more.