On Monday, February 21st, our group had the honor of interviewing Gloria Allred. Gloria Allred is an attorney known for the large part for taking notable and a lot of the time controversial cases. Gloria currently lives in California, so we had to Zoom with her. Before our interview, we watched a documentary made about Gloria, called Seeing Allred. It gave us a lot of interesting information about Gloria Allred, and about our topic in general. Although it was really interesting and informative, I do kind of regret watching it because during the interview it felt like we were just hearing what we already knew from the documentary. Despite this, I still really enjoyed and appreciated the interview.
In our interview, Gloria told us about her experience representing a majority of the women in the Bill Cosby case. Basically, this case is about a former television star who was convicted of sexual assault. Cosby was accused of rape, drug facilitated sexual assault, child sexual assault, and a few other charges by approximately 60 women. Gloria Allred represented 33 of the 60 alleged victims. Overall, interviewing Gloria Allred was an absolutely incredible opportunity. I am so thankful we got to do it because she is such an amazing woman who I now kind of look up to. In addition to her stylish pantsuit, she was such a cool person to talk to and I am so grateful!