
Mia Sullivan is an eighth-grade student who is really interested in studying and understanding the first amendment. She strongly believes that all people were created equal and should be treated that way

Visiting Democracy Now!

Last Friday we went to visit Democracy Now! Democracy Now is a private news organization that reports on news that is not being focused on in mainstream media. They do not take funding from private companies and there are no advertisements. They are funded by their listeners and viewers.

First, we watched a live taping of the show from 8-9. Then we got to interview the host Amy Goodman about what she does and we talked to her a little bit about how fake news affects her and her company. We also got a special interview with Journalist Kate Arnoff who was a guest on the episode that we watched. She is currently reporting on the Green New Deal and focusing on climate change around the world. After we discussed how Democracy Now was different than other mainstream media.

Watching The Post

This weekend I watched a movie called, The Post. It is about The Washington Post’s involvement in the Pentagon Papers case of 1971. These events would eventually lead to the national scandal that set the ball rolling for former President Nixon’s resignation.

Letters to Imprisoned Journalists

I wrote letters to imprisoned writers in Iran, Myanmar and Russia. The letters were wishing them happy holidays and let them know that people all around the world support them in their fight for freedom of the press.

Interview with Andrea Taetle

We spoke with Andrea Taetle, she is a civil rights attorney (and also max’s mom). We watched a documentary about James Risen, a journalist for the New York Times, discussed whistleblowing and the blurred line between freedom of the press and treason.

Interview with Chris Ott

We spoke with Chris Ott, a lawyer for the ACLU Wisconsin (American Civil Liberties Union) who provides legal representation for journalists around the country. We inquired about his job and personal opinions about the current status of Freedom of the Press in the United States. We also discussed famous cases involving our countries laws and regulations about freedom of the press.

Making Postcards for Equality

We wrote postcards to voters in Florida who signed the petition to get amendment 4 on the ballot. We wrote them to remind the voters that signing the ballot was only the first step in the process and 60% of Floridians had to vote for the bill for it to pass.