
Max Taetle is in the Social Justice group for freedom of the press, and he believes that everyone should have a voice.

Visiting Democracy Now!

We visited Democracy Now! Which is a news broadcast created to cover the 1996 election but, because of popularity stayed on air. We took a tour of the entire place and saw what everyone’s jobs were. We also met with Amy Goodman who has been with Democracy Now! for as long as it’s been active

Sending letters to imprisoned journalists

We wrote letters to imprisoned journalists in Russia, Iran, and Myanmar. All three of them were imprisoned due to unfair behavior from the law. I think it’s important that we do things like that because it gives hope to journalists, and it could help their situation.

Talking with Farah Brelvi

We skyped a family friend of Tatsuya’s named Farah Brelvi. She taught us about the 1st amendment and cases that she have done which involve it. She used to work for the ACLU and she told us about cases she worked. It helped us because she was clearly smart and knew what she was doing.

Talking with Chris Ott

We had an interview with Chris Ott who works for the ACLU. Chris Ott along with the ACLU help journalists all around the world, with their right to freedom of the press. We spoke to Chris about current and pass cases with the ACLU, including a controversial case where the ACLU defended a Nazi march through Skokie.

Talking about James Risen with Andrea Taetle.

We talked about a case where a New York times reporter known as James Risen was forced to leak his sources, and the threat of Jail loomed over him for years because of it. He had come into knowledge that an NSA program that had been used to spy on foreign terrorists was being used against the american people.