During this fieldwork, out group got a full detail, in-depth summary of what happened during Danielles birthing experience, and how it effects her today.
Webinar with Nazdeek + Every Mother Counts
by Anna Veronis
During this webinar our group learned more about international maternal health. We looked on with the Every Mother Counts group on the presentation that Nazdeek had made.
Interview with Chakshu Patel
by Anna Veronis
During this fieldwork, we interviewed a representative of Planned Parenthood, Chakshu Patel. Ms. Patel, is the vice president, and strategy office at Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Webinar with Jacaranda Health + Every Mother Counts
by Anna Veronis
Our group visited the Every Mother Counts, a non-profit organization focusing on maternal health. We sat in on a webinar, where EMC conversed with Jacaranda health about a partnership. During this we learned about what Jacaranda health does for Pregnant and post-natal womxm in Kenya Africa.
Lift Every Vote Field Work
by Anna Veronis
During this fieldwork, our class made 247 postcards, to urge the people of Florida to vote and support Amendment four to re enfranchisement Felons.