
Brittany Lynch Skype Conference

we were on a Skype conference with Brittany Lynch about the organization that she works for. Lift helps inspire families with young children to get out of poverty in an effort to end generational poverty.

Name: Ana Vieira Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, Education: Dropping Out Date of Fieldwork: November 29, 2018 Name of Organization: Lift organization Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Type of Fieldwork: What I did: What I learned: What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this…

Jon Roure Interview

we did an interview with Jon Roure about his work to help people go to college. He is an expert on poverty in education. we went to his office in Chelsea, at the College Bound Initiative offices. we met with college advisors that he works with.

Michelle Fine Interview

we went to the CUNY building, and did an interview with Michelle Fine, where we talked about education in poverty, and how dropping out continues the cycle of poverty.