We left around 2:00 to travel up to the Bronx where an organization called Homes for the Homeless is. We brought many children’s books to read to some pre K children. We brought many of our favorite books from when we were younger. We got to take turns having read aloud and also played with the kids.
What public schools are doing to help housing unstable families
by Ally
Our group traveled to Brooklyn to PS 446 21 percent of their students are housing unstable. We interviewed Amir Brann and the school’s principle Mrs Dunn. There have been articles about the school and some people were kind enough to donate items so the school can help support families and make them feel safe.
Homeless at 14 to Graduating college — Orayne Williams
by Ally
Orayne Williams traveled to our school for an interview. Orayne has experienced homelessness when he was 14. He was lucky enough to go to school even though he was in the homeless shelter. After touring him around the school, we crossed the street to Le Pain for the interview.
Homeless at 15. Ending up in Harvard – Interview with Liz Murray
by Ally
We traveled all the way to the Bronx to speak to Liz Murray about her experience with being homeless. Liz became homeless at 15. Soon after, she realized one of the only ways to escape poverty was to get educated. She was prioritizing school. Liz proved to be very smart and was able to graduate Harvard without the support of her parents.
Interview with Ben Chapman about Homelessness and Education
by Ally
We traveled downtown at the New York Post headquarters to interview Ben Chapman. He has written over 2,000 articles on homelessness and education. We discussed how homelessness affects kids in school. And the different quality of education homeless kids get.