
OPAC Turns 18 Confrence

We went to the OPAC Turns 18 Conference at the UN. OPAC is the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict. They work with the UN, UNICEF, Child Soldiers International, and different governments to create action plans and mandate troops for peacekeeping sake from the UN security council. We observed panels where different experts in the field talked about action plans and next steps. It was a very interesting experience.

UNICEF Interview

we went into the offices of the UNICEF and had a conversation about what they do to help children in armed conflict. We also talked about what happens after a child is released.

Interview With Invisable Children

We called Elizabeth Gullien to find out more information about child soldiers and whatb Invisabel Children is doing. We asked what happened to Kony in 2012 and what is Invisables Childrens future plans. We aslo asked if alot of these rebel orginizations are very week and dont have a lot of money how do they fund their weapons.