With the women’s education group, I watched a film called Girl Rising. It told multiple stories about young girls and their struggles through life. Many grew up struggling to survive. The one story that really stood out to me was one about a young girl named Amina who was sold and married off and impregnated.
Julie Gold’s Personal Experience Being a Midwife
by Meadow Magee
Julie Gold, a midwife, came over to our school during lunch for an interview. A midwife is a doctor that delivers babies with a more personal connection to their patients. They used less medical treatments than doctors normally do. She had her own private practice where she let the mother choose where they wants to have their birth: At home or at a hospital. This choice is rare because most hospitals don’t support midwifes and think it is unsafe. Julie puts her patient’s needs first.
Nan struass’s Journey to EMC
by Meadow Magee
Nicolle Gonzales’s Struggle for Justice
by Meadow Magee

Before we met with her, we were at the Every Mother Counts head quarters. We helped pack bags for the Marathoners because not only do the Every Mother Counts organization raise money for the mothers in need during the Marathon but they also donate there services and resources to help the runners. Then when Nicolle Gonzales arrived we sat down in a conference room and listened to Nicolle talk about her life and how the company was started. We got to ask questions and hear really intense stories.