Lima James who works at LifeWay Network, who we had a fieldwork with in the past, decided to come in and talk to the 8th graders about human trafficking. She has a presentation prepared and gave everyone a basic understanding of the issue.
Women’s March NYC
by Hirsch Emma
Meeting With The Lifeway Staff
by Hirsch Emma

We met with Lima James. It was not a normal interview. She told us about herself and everything she does for Lifeway. She then had us talk about ourselves and asked us questions. Next we got to walk around the office and meet all the members who work there. We talked to them and listened to them explain what they do and then ask and answer questions.
Interviewing Cindy From Restore
by Hirsch Emma
Interviewing Noelle Fries
by Hirsch Emma

We learned a lot more about the basics of Sex trafficking considering we hadn’t really known much about it before. Going into this we barley even knew what sex trafficking really was. She made everything really clear and we now understand. We talked more about labor trafficking too, more than we thought we would because Noelle focused on all types of trafficking. This fieldwork was important because she helped us understand and really get a good start on our project.