
Hey, I'm Elijah M. I'm a part of the gun control social justice group. Throughout the last few months, we've been working to learn about our topic, and volunteer in the field. We're excited to share with you what we've and help you make a difference.

Women’s March

We went to the Women’s March and marched with NYAGV. That stands for New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. They’re one of the very biggest gun control organizations in the country. They’ve done a lot by taking legal action in the issue. Marching was really great even though I couldn’t do it for very long. It felt like…

Volunteering for Stop Handgun Violence

Over the past couple of weeks, our group volunteered for a gun violence organization called Stop Handgun Violence. This organization does a lot of work in educating people about gun violence and the serious negative affects that are born from guns. We were able to get in contact with them through email, and we were…

Interview With Eric Proshansky

Today we went to the New York City Law Department at 100 Church Street to talk to Eric Proshansky. Eric is the Deputy Chief of the Affirmative Litigation Division. That means he handles all of the law suits where the city sues someone rather than someone suing the city. The division has sued gun manufacturers,…

Interview With Jim Harris

Today, we went to Jim Harris’ office at Broadway and 10th street. He’s a criminal defense attorney so he knew quite a bit about our topic. He was able to tell us a lot about how sentences work for crimes involving guns. He had a whole rubric showing how different crimes correlated with punishments. This…