Jack S

My Social Justice Topic is Helping Communities in need through sports. I am mostly focusing on kids playing sports. The other people in my group are Aidhan and Lily.

Teaching Dance With Deborah

We got the opportunity to teach a dance class with Deborah Damast. We taught a kindergarten class. The kids had a lot of energy and it looked like they needed to move around. When Aidhan, Lily and I were teaching, they were very enthusiastic about us being there. Deborah told us that in the lower school,…

Jacob August Riis School

We visited the Jacob August Riis school. It is a school involved with Asphalt Green’s program to get kids active. A few years ago, Asphalt Green sent out information to schools in New York City about their program. What the program does is it sends coaches to schools to teach kindergarten through sixth grade. The…

Hoop Dreams

For our third social justice project we watched a movie called hoop dreams. We decided to each watch the movie on our own over winter break. It was very cool to see how two black families in poverty had a lot of things in common. They both didn’t have a lot of money, and they…

Paul Jeffries

We met with Paul Jeffries last week. Paul Jeffries came in and talked about what he does to help people in need through sports. He spoke in front of the whole eighth grade. He works for the soccer club NYCFC, and his job is to help communities and people in need through soccer. He grew…

Asphalt Green Interview

On Monday, November 21, we met with David Ludwig. He is the director of Community Programs at Asphalt Green at the uptown location. Asphalt Green is a sports facility where they have sports classes. In addition to teaching classes, they also help children and senior citizens in need. We interviewed him about his role at…