On Thursday, January 26th, Travis Ballie, the Lead Organizer in the Field Department of NARAL, came to speak to us and our grade. NARAL is a women’s reproductive rights organization that is also known as Pro Choice America. NARAL lobbies Congress to convince elected representatives to support the right to choose, they also organize women…
Meeting With Devon Hutchins On Our Fieldwork with the Center for Reproductive Rights 12/9/16
by Georgia
Fieldwork with Pro Choice America (Interview With Anne Bailey) 12/9/16
by Georgia
A few days ago my group had a phone interview with a woman named Anne Bailey. Anne works for Pro Choice America. Pro Choice America uses politics to help elect candidates who believe in pro choice and eliminate candidates who don’t. Anne brought up some very smart points, especially about the election. Anne said that…
Interview With Keli Goff 11/28/16
by Georgia
My group and I had a very interesting phone call with Keli Goff. Kelly is an American journalist, playwright and screenwriter. She writes and interviews a lot of people who are dealing with/have to do with women’s reproductive rights. Keli said a lot of very interesting things to us. She explained how she thinks that social media…
Meeting With Every Mother Counts, 11/16/16
by Georgia
Cate, Sadye, Caroline and I met with the organization Every Mother Counts (EMC). Every Mother Counts is an organization that helps women across the world with maternal health issues. They go to different places around the earth and help different areas get the resources they need to make sure that every woman has a safe…