
Meeting With Travis Ballie 1/26/17

On Thursday, January 26th, Travis Ballie, the Lead Organizer in the Field Department of NARAL, came to LREI to talk to our whole grade about women and their reproductive rights. NARAL is an organization that is also known as Pro-Choice America. It is a women’s reproductive rights organization made up of pro-choice women and men…

Visit To Center For Reproductive Rights On 12/9/16

On December 9th, my group and I went over to the Center For Reproductive Rights and interviewed three women. We interviewed Devon Hutchins, along with her two coworkers. Their names were Lauren and Genevieve. The Center For Reproductive Rights is an organization that focuses on using the law to help make the government protect, respect…

Interview With Anne Bailey On 12/9/16

On December 9th, 2016, my group and I interviewed a lady named Anne Bailey. Anne is a young woman who works with an organization called Pro-Choice America. Pro-Choice America is also known as NARAL. Anne is Pro-Choice America Deputy Field Director. NARAL is an organization that is made up of pro-choice women and men across…

Interview With Keli Goff, 11/28/16

On Monday 28th, 2016, my group and I were able to interview a woman named Keli Goff. We had this interview at 1:00 and we were able to have it at LREI. Keli Goff is an American journalist, playwright, and screenwriter. Currently, Keli Goff is making a documentary about women’s rights. Not only that, but…

Meeting With Every Mother Counts 11/16/16

On the 16th of November, my social justice group and I went to meet with an organization called Every Mother Counts which is a nonprofit organization that helps make childbirth and pregnancy safe for every mother. In the beginning, we wanted to go to an organization that helps women all over the world. We also wanted…