Last week, my group interviewed a woman named Krishna who has been visually impaired for most of her life. She was a serious dancer at a very young age when she started to experience vision loss. After she has lost her vision completely it was extremely difficult to start dancing again. It was a challenge…
Interview with Rebecca Elbogen
by Alexa
Interview with Michelle Gomez
by Alexa
My group recently had the amazing opportunity to interview Michelle Gomez over facetime. Michelle is a BK (below the knee) amputee who has three kids and a caring husband. While working in South Africa in the Peace core, she got into a severe motorcycle accident and was unconscious for most of her emergency helicopter journey to…
Fieldwork with David Rosenburg
by Alexa

Today, we went to Kicking The Spectrum on Lexington Avenue. Kicking The Spectrum is a Karate organization for both kids with a wide range of different disabilities and kids without any disability at all. We learned briefly about what David does to run his program, and how it started. David and his wife have discovered many ways to navigate…
Karma Kids Yoga Volunteer Work, 11/26/16
by Alexa

My group is focusing on helping kids with disabilities participate in athletic activities. On Monday, November 21, my group and I went to Karma Kids Yoga to take part in a class for children with autism. There was one boy there, Kingston, and we participated in the yoga class with him, to understand how organizations…